June 27, 2020 3 min read

Police Talk – Department Evaluation of Tigerlight®

Department Size - Approximately 250 officers

Below are excerpts from four emails, shared by permission from Training Corporal Chad Richardson, addressing six incidents.  Any opinions regarding the TigerLight® are the personal opinions of the officers.  In the first incident, the officer did not have a TigerLight®, but recognized the need for one.  In the second two incidents, the officers were able to respond to volatile situations with a level of speed and effectiveness previously unattainable. In the remaining three incidents the results are described as "excellent".

These are from 2008, 12 years ago, but I just came across them and this information is even more relevant today than it was then.

From: <crichardson@xxxxxxxx.org>

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 05:06:11 -0800 (PST)

To: <mteig@tigerlight.net>

Subject: RE: Video of the NEW 600 Lumen LED for TigerLight

Good morning,

 ……I trained two midnight officers early this morning and they are excited about the product, as I am. It was interesting, one of the officers told me he recently chased a stolen car thief into a yard and cornered him. The officer had his flashlight in one hand and drew down on the young suspect. The suspect challenged the officer to shoot him, charged him, shoved the officer aside and ran away. The officer stated he couldn't shoot the kid and was taken by surprise by the boldness of the attack.

Needless to say the officer is looking forward to working with the Tigerlight.


Chad Richardson #443

Training Corporal

From: Chad Richardson [mailto:crichardson@xxxxxxx.org]

Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 11:15 AM

To: Michael Teig' <mteig@tigerlight.net>

Subject: RE: *****SPAM***** RE: Video of the NEW 600 Lumen LED for TigerLight


We have already had our first highly successful Tigerlight use. Officers were transporting a prisoner into our jail facility last night. The subject became combative and challenged the officers and was subsequently sprayed with one burst from the Tigerlight defense system. He never saw it coming and immediately went from combative to totally compliant…..the officer who used the Tigerlight last night gave 4 "excellent" ratings out of 5 possible, with "Ease of Carry" rated as "good".

Chad Richardson #443

Training Corporal

From: Chad Richardson <crichardson@xxxxxxxx.org>

Organization: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 09:44:35 -0500

To: 'Michael Teig' <mteig@tigerlight.net>

Subject: RE: Video

Hi Michael,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back with you. I am currently the officer in charge of a double homicide trial which should be going on for roughly one more week.  I unfortunately cannot send you the video at this time until I have been given authorization. Sorry about that. (Note: Video surveillance cameras recorded the incident in the jail.)

We did have another Tigerlight exposure which was very successful. It involved a hit and run suspect refusing to cooperate with officers and threatening them. He was immediately subdued by the Tigerlight defense system.

I will update you when I can.


Chad Richardson #443

Training Corporal

From: Chad Richardson [mailto:crichardson@xxxxxxxxxx.org]

Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 9:32 AM

To: Michael Teig' <mteig@tigerlight.net>

Subject: RE: TigerLight

……..The three Tigerlights are being tested on midnights and the guys love them. We now have 5 documented exposures and continue to receive excellent ratings.

Chad Richardson #443

Training Corporal


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