Does every violent situation require a lethal solution?

The simple and obvious answer, of course, is a resounding “NO!”


Your typical "tough guy” will probably reply on this page or one of our social media posts, saying something like, “Get a .45, problem solved!”


Are there situations when lethal force is the best option? Of course, but only about 1 out of 101 use-of-force situations merit or require lethal force and the right non-lethal force option will cause that number to drop dramatically. This we know for a fact.


During the global pandemic the United States and the world are facing a mental health crisis. We know now, more than ever, that people are struggling financially, physically, and emotionally. Domestic violence is rampant. People are on edge. Anyone facing another individual that is a potential threat, should have the tools and skills to best protect themselves while not unnecessarily killing another person. This can ONLY be accomplished if we have both lethal and highly effective non-lethal options.


Lethal options without significant training are not good options. The user must have significant training, especially scenario based training. The implications of poor training are far too serious. A non-lethal option may not be in hand at the time of the attack. It must be “force indexed” and it must not be dropped. 


It also CANNOT look or feel like a gun. There must be absolutely no risk of the two being confused by the user as we have seen happen, even with trained law enforcement officers.


Lethal Vs Non Lethal Weapons 

First let’s define the difference between lethal and non-lethal weapons. Most anything can be used as a weapon. Most any non-lethal weapon can be used as a lethal weapon if not used in the intended manner. However, if used properly, non-lethal options should always be the first option. Of course, there are ALWAYS exceptions, but they are rare. If you see someone 30 feet away, in the middle of a mall, randomly shooting people and you have a gun and can insure that the bullets intended for that person, do not kill innocents, then the gun is going to be the right option and lethal force both necessary and justified.


It is important that the non-lethal option not only meet the criteria mentioned above, but that is also have the ability to stop the attacker, even if drug impaired.


The technology used in TigerLights had a 96% stop rate on 147 violent subjects when tested on the streets by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.


When we think of lethal weapons we think of firearms. When we think of non-lethal or less-lethal weapons we think of something that is going to subdue, incapacitate or disable the attacker but not end his or her life. In some cases, but not all, the non-lethal device does not cause injury.


There are all kinds of non lethal weapons out there. Stun guns, pepper spray, rubber bullets, tasers, tear gas, bean bag guns, batons, brass knuckles and the list goes on and on.


Our recommendation is not governed or influenced by bias, prejudice or partisanship, but only by effectiveness, by actual performance. 


When it comes to actual, non-lethal performance, TigerLights have no equal if you look at actual, documented results. The TigerLight D.A.D.® 2 or Defense Alert Device is the only device specifically designed for civilian use that incorporates the technology used by TigerLight in the LASD Study. Then it combined that technology with advanced, award winning Bluetooth/GPS alert technology that experts describe as, “By far the best self defense device on the planet.”


Below we will outline various lethal and non lethal weapons. Each one has advantages and disadvantages. Hopefully, this will help to determine the best protection for you! The information is not intended to be complete. We invite you to research each option thoroughly. 




someone holding a gun showing just their arms and hands

 Lethal Weapon Vs Non Lethal Weapons 


three different types of guns

Firearms have a place in our society. Some people use them for hunting to feed their families. Some people use them as a way to protect livestock on farms. For some situations representing less than one percent of use-of-force situations, firearms can be an effective self defense tool.


One downside to any self defense device requiring a holster is the time of response. This can be critical in an unexpected, sudden, violent, physical attack. If it is not already in hand, it is highly unlikely that it will be useful. People do not go jogging, walking or hiking with a firearm in hand. TigerLights and especially the D.A.D® 2 or Defense Alert Device were especially made to address all the issues affecting response time and operability, the two most important factors.


Once you can insure that the device will be in your hand, indexed into the firing position, safety off and no fine motor skills necessary, then you have to make sure it will not be dropped when someone slams into you from behind and tackles you to the ground. 


After that, it must stop the attacker from attacking long enough for the user to get to safety.


The original TigerLight was developed by a police officer in Portland Oregon so that when he walked up to a potentially violent or even deadly situation, he had both non-lethal and lethal options available with the non-lethal option ALWAYS in hand and available in a split second, without impeding his ability to have lethal force in another hand, allowing the simultaneous, synergistic transition from lethal to non-lethal force or from non-lethal to lethal force. This ability saved a Police officers life on a car stop the very first time it was used on the street during a “routine” traffic stop.


It is our very strong opinion that if every officer had a TigerLight, especially with proper training, situations like those plastered all over the news for political purposes, condemning police officers for using deadly or excessive force unnecessarily, would all but be entirely eliminated. Our actual data proves this to a degree that should not be ignored, but somehow and for reasons unbeknownst to anyone aware of it, it is being ignored.



Tasers, like other less lethal devices, are useful in many situations, but have not demonstrated the safety and effectiveness that TigerLights have in law enforcement studies. The very limited time of incapacitation and holster carry can be much more of an issue with a young woman jogging down a trail than it is with three police officers who can take the subject down and cuff him after the initial shock. It is also limited if there are multiple subjects. However, there are many police officers who are extremely impressed and very happy with how successful tasers have been, so we do not see tasers going anywhere soon and expect their use to continue.


Pepper Spray 


Not all pepper sprays are equal or effective. A study by the University of Utah show significant discrepancies between what was claimed on the bales and what was actually in the can. Some sprays were up to 1/100th the potency claimed on the label and only two of all the sprays tested, constantly lived up to their claims of potency. TigerLight only uses those sprays, one of which is over 6 times more potent that what the marines have used for many years. Sabre Red is one of those two sprays and is used in the D.A.D.® 2. However, spray strength is just one small part of the effectiveness equation and is not even the most important part.


The Defense Alert Device or D.A.D.® 2 also has the revolutionary Bluetooth/GPS Crowd Alert™ technology. a five mode LED light and the powerful spray all in one incredibly easy to carry, 4.6 ounce, super durable, cool looking device, the ultimate, non-lethal self defense device.

Mental Health and Lethal Force Vs Non Lethal Force 

We will not speak to the horrific deaths that have happened to people in mental health crisis out of respect for families that have lost loved ones. However, the subject at hand is extremely important.


If someone is in crisis and their mental health is failing them, they are at a vulnerable place in their life and should be treated with care and respect. Of course, any one dealing with these people on a professional or personal level should be able to stay safe while trying to help the person that is struggling.


In most cases, even if the individual is being violent, a trained mental health professional would have better options than using lethal force on the individual, but non-lethal force can be a game changer.


Let's say someone is a danger to others but they also were having a psychotic breakdown, most everyone would agree that the person likely does not deserve to die, but must be stopped if he is a threat to the lives of others. Most everyone would also agree that using non-lethal force, especially in a situation like this, would be preferable to lethal force.


In the LASD study on the TigerLight, it is estimated that 4-6 people would have died if not for the TigerLight. The use of ANY force was reduced by over 30%, even with an 11% increase in arrests. There were no injuries requiring medical attention and no complaints of excessive force.


Can you imagine the incredible impact the use of TigerLights would have on law enforcement in this country?


Can you imagine the impact it would have on rapes and other civilian-on-civilian attacks?