June 11, 2015 1 min read

Safety and self-defense expert, Steve Kardian, was invited to appear on the Dr. Oz television show to talk about how to prevent home invasions and personal assaults. In this segment, Steve demonstrates why he, his wife and their daughter actually carry the D.A.D.® 2 with them on a day-to-day basis and why, in addition to the award winning GPS alert capability, he chose it over any other self defense device.


Steve Kardian is an American career law enforcement officer, detective, sergeant, chief criminal investigator, and contractor for the United States Marshals Service. Kardian lectures, teaches, and consults internationally—speaking frequently in the national media as law enforcement consultant and safety expert. He has amassed over 1,000 TV interviews on high profile cases. See more on his bio page.

The most powerful non-lethal device possible with the Defense Alert Device (D.A.D.®


What the DAD does


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