Patti Stewart

This proud mother is the owner of Defense in Heels. A program dedicated to equipping, empowering and educating women with self-defense tools & classes. Not only is she a former model this internationally certified self-defense instructor can teach you how to beat up bad guys in 6-inch heels. This successful business owner has worked with multiple police agencies in teaching women self-defense and working with the different human trafficking initiatives. Patti is a current instructor with the Jane Jitsu and promoting the importance of Self-defense. With many certifications in awareness and self-defense, this instructor is excited to teach women how to protect themselves in any situation.

Patti is thrilled to take her training to a new level by incorporating the D.A.D.® 2 (Defense Alert Device) into her training as well as being certified in the D.A.D.® 2 Self Defense and Active Shooter Training for schools and other businesses requiring a high level of training.

Contact Info:

Patti Stewart
Founder of Defense in Heels